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Dictionary of Difficult Words PDF
By:Manik Joshi
Published on 2014-12-31 by Manik Joshi

5000 Difficult English Words and their Meanings. Advanced Words in English Language | One of the Best English Dictionaries for Advanced English Learners | Most used tough English Words | Vocabulary Building -- 5000 Words and Meanings-- Letter A -- 275 Words | Letter B -- 242 Words | Letter C -- 438 Words | Letter D -- 321 Words | Letter E -- 238 Words | Letter F -- 233 Words | Letter G -- 171 Words | Letter H -- 149 Words | Letter I -- 266 Words | Letter J -- 51 Words | Letter K -- 19 Words | Letter L -- 132 Words | Letter M -- 175 Words | Letter N -- 66 Words | Letter O -- 109 Words | Letter P -- 393 Words | Letter Q -- 22 Words | Letter R -- 303 Words | Letter S -- 787 Words | Letter T -- 205 Words | Letter U -- 172 Words | Letter V -- 98 Words | Letter W -- 112 Words | Letter XYZ -- 23 Words Sample This: Difficult English Words -- A -- 0001 -- abandon (v.) -- to discard; to dump; to leave sb/sth permanently || related words: abandoned (adj.), abandonment (n.) 0002 -- abase (v.) -- to do sth that makes people have less respect for you; to degrade || related word: abasement (n.) 0003 -- abashed (adj.) -- ashamed in a social situation; embarrassed 0004 -- abate (v.) -- to become very weak; to fade away; to subside || related word: abatement (n.) 0005 -- abdicate (v.) -- to step down from the position of being king; to renounce; to give up || related word: abdication (n.) 0006 -- aberrant (adj.) -- abnormal, unsocial or weird; nonstandard || related word: aberration (n.) 0007 -- abet (v.) -- to assist, encourage or support sb in doing sth illegal, immoral, etc. 0008 -- abhor (v.) -- to extremely hate or dislike sb/sth for ethical reasons; to detest || related words: abhorrent (adj.), abhorrence (n.) 0009 -- abide (v.) -- to reside somewhere 0010 -- abiding (adj.) -- (of feelings, ideas, etc.) long lasting 0011 -- abject (adj.) -- having no hope or self-esteem; miserable || related word: abjectly (adv.) 0012 -- abjure (v.) -- to give up a belief or idea publicly; to renounce 0013 -- ablaze (adj.) -- on fire; afire | full of strong feelings, bright lights, etc. 0014 -- ablutions (n.) -- action of cleaning or washing yourself 0015 -- abnegate (v.) -- to reject sth that you like; to renounce || related word: abnegation (n.) 0016 -- abode (n.) -- the place where you reside/live; residence 0017 -- abolish (v.) -- to get rid of a law, rule, etc. officially; to eliminate || related words: abolition (n.), abolitionist (n.) 0018 -- abominate (v.) -- to hate intensely || related words: abominable (adj.), abomination (n.) 0019 -- aboriginal (adj.) -- primitive 0020 -- abortive (adj.) -- (of an action) unsuccessful 0021 -- abound (v.) -- to be plentiful 0022 -- about-turn (n.) -- reversal of a plan or opinion, etc. 0023 -- above board (adj./adv.) -- honest or genuine / honestly or genuinely 0024 -- abrasion (n.) -- cut or scratch 0025 -- abrasive (adj.) -- rough | rude || related words: abrasively (adv.), abrasiveness (n.) 0026 -- abreast (adv.) -- side by side 0027 -- abridge (v.) -- to shorten a book, etc. || related words: abridged (adj.), abridgement (n.) 0028 -- abrogate (v.) -- to officially cancel a law || related word: abrogation (n.) 0029 -- abrupt (adj.) -- sudden | impolite || related words: abruptly (adv.), abruptness (n.) 0030 -- abscond (v.) -- to run away; to escape 0031 -- abseil (v.) -- to descend a steep cliff 0032 -- absolution (n.) -- forgiveness 0033 -- absolutism (n.) -- rule by dictator; autocracy || related word: absolutist (adj./n.) 0034 -- absolve (v.) -- to officially forgive somebody 0035 -- abstain (v.) -- to give up or stay away from sth bad, illegal or immoral | to decide not to cast your vote in election | related words: abstainer (n.), abstention (n.) 0036 -- abstemious (adj.) -- self-disciplined 0037 -- abstinence (n.) -- restraint from eating or drinking because of ethical reasons | related word: abstinent (adj.) 0038 -- abstracted (adj.) -- absentminded || related word: abstractedly (adv.) 0039 -- abstruse (adj.) -- that cannot be understood easily; obscure 0040 -- abundant (adj.) -- plentiful || related word: abundantly (adv.) 0041 -- abut (v.) -- to be next to sth; to adjoin 0042 -- abysmal (adj.) -- extremely bad || related word: abysmally (adv.) 0042 -- abyss (n.) -- enormously deep hole 0044 -- accede (v.) -- to give approval to a plan, request, etc. | to become ruler 0045 -- accentuate (v.) -- to highlight something; to emphasize || related word: accentuation (n.) 0046 -- accession (n.) -- the state of becoming a ruler 0047 -- acclaim (v.) -- to praise or greet sb/sth in public || related word: acclamation (n.) 0048 -- acclimatize (acclimate) (v.) -- to get used to new climate, situation, etc. || related word: acclimatization (acclimation) (n.) 0049 -- accolade (n.) -- honor for a marvelous achievement 0050 -- accommodate (v.) -- to give a place to stay | to adjust | to oblige or help || related words: accommodating (adj.), accommodation (n.) 0051 -- accord (n./v.) -- official agreement | to agree officially 0052 -- accost (v.) -- to suddenly come close and talk to sb 0053 -- accouter (accouter) (v.) -- to put on special clothes, equipments, etc. | related word: accoutrements (n.) 0054 -- accredit (v.) -- to officially recognize sb/sth || related words: accredited (adj.), accreditation (n.) 0055 -- accretion (n.) -- addition of a layer in a gradual way; newly but slowly added layer 0056 -- accrue (v.) -- to mount up; to accumulate || related word: accrual (n.) 0057 -- acculturate (v.) -- to adjust yourself in different culture || related word: acculturation (n.) 0058 -- acerbic (adj.) -- bitter in speech || related word: acerbity (n.) 0059 -- Achilles heel (n.) -- weak point in character 0060 -- acme (n.) -- the highest point in development; peak 0061 -- acolyte (n.) -- helper of a leader 0062 -- acoustic (adj.) -- connected with sound | designed to make natural sound || related words: acoustically (adv.), acoustician (n.), acoustics (n.) 0063 -- acquiesce (v.) -- to agree without arguing || related words: acquiescent (adj.), acquiescence (n.) 0064 -- acrid (adj.) -- bitter 0065 -- acrimony (n.) -- bitterness or hostility || related words: acrimonious (adj.), acrimoniously (adv.) 0066 -- acrobat (n.) -- circus performer || related words: acrobatic (adj.), acrobatically (adv.), acrobatics (n.) 0067 -- acronym (n.) -- short form of a group of words 0068 -- acuity (n.) -- the ability to hear, see or think in a clear way 0069 -- acumen (n.) -- intelligence 0070 -- ad hominem (adj./adv.) -- (of criticism, etc.) targeted to sb’s character 0071 -- ad infinitum (adv.) -- infinitely or repeatedly 0072 -- ad nauseam (adv.) -- repeatedly in a boring way 0073 -- adamant (adj.) -- too determined; obstinate || related word: adamantly (adv.) 0074 -- adamantine (adj.) -- unbreakable 0075 -- addendum (n.) -- extra section in a book; appendix 0076 -- addle (v.) -- to confuse || related word: addled (adj.) 0077 -- adduce (v.) -- to cite sth 0078 -- adhere (v.) -- to stick fast to sth | to follow a particular set of rules || related word: adherence (n.) 0079 -- adherent (n.) -- supporter of a particular set of beliefs 0080 -- adhesive (adj./n.) -- sticky | glue || related word: adhesion (n.) 0081 -- adieu (exclamation) -- goodbye 0082 -- adjure (v.) -- to seriously request or urge sb to do something 0083 -- adlib (v.) -- to speak without preparation 0084 -- admonish (v.) -- to speak harshly to sb; to warn || related words: admonitory (adj.), admonition (n.) 0085 -- adore (v.) -- to admire or love || related words: adorable (adj.), adoring (adj.), adoringly (adv.), adorably (adv.), adoration (n.) 0086 -- adorn (v.) -- to decorate || related word: adornment (n.) 0087 -- adrift (adj.) -- floating | without aim 0088 -- adroit (adj.) -- able to deal with people cleverly || related words: adroitly (adv.), adroitness (n.) 0089 -- adumbrate (v.) -- to summarize 0090 -- advent (n.) -- arrival of an important person or event 0091 -- adventitious (adj.) -- unplanned; accidental 0092 -- aesthete (n.) -- admirer of art and beauty || related words: aesthetic (adj./n.), aesthetically (adv.), aesthetics (n.), aestheticism (n.) 0093 -- affable (adj.) -- friendly || related words: affably (adv.), affability (n.) 0094 -- affinity (n.) -- attraction or resemblance 0095 -- afflict (v.) -- to create trouble for sb || related word: affliction (n.) 0096 -- affluent (adj.) -- wealthy || related word: affluence (n.) 0097 -- affray (n.) -- fight or violence in a public place 0098 -- affront (n./v.) -- insulting remark | to insult or upset sb 0099 -- aficionado (n.) -- sb who is too much interested in a particular activity, subject, etc.: enthusiast 0100 -- aflame (adj.) -- on fire | colorful and brightly lit | excited 0101 -- agglomerate (adj./n./v.) -- formed into a mass | collection or mass | to collect and form a group || related word: agglomeration (n.) 0102 -- aggrandizement (n.) -- increase in the power of country or person 0103 -- aggravate (v.) -- to make sth worse || related words: aggravated (adj.), aggravating (adj.), aggravation (n.) 0104 -- aggrieved (adj.) -- angry or hurt 0105 -- aggro (n.) -- irritating problems, too aggressive behavior 0106 -- aghast (adj.) -- shocked 0107 -- agile (adj.) -- quick to notice sth; swift in movement || related word: agility (n.) 0108 -- agog (adj.) -- excited while trying to find out sth 0109 -- agonize (v.) -- to worry a lot || related words: agonized (adj.), agonizing (adj.), agonizingly (adv.) 0110 -- agony (n.) -- pain 0111 -- agrarian (adj.) -- related to farming 0112 -- aground (adv.) -- ashore 0113 -- ail (v.) -- to create problems | to make sb ill 0114 -- airy-fairy (adj.) -- impractical; idealistic 0115 -- ajar (adj.) -- (of a door, window, etc.) slightly open 0116 -- al fresco (adj./adv.) -- outdoors 0117 -- alacrity (n.) -- quickness in an excited way 0118 -- albatross (n.) -- something that creates difficulty and get in the way of progress 0119 -- alchemy (n.) -- magical power that can transform things 0120 -- alien (adj.) -- foreign | hostile 0121 -- alienate (v.) -- to lose your support with sb; to feel isolated || related word: alienation (n.) 0122 -- alight (adj./v.) -- on fire; shining brightly | to get down from the bus, etc. 0123 -- allay (v.) -- to reduce the intensity of feelings, emotions, etc. 0124 -- allegiance (n.) -- faithfulness towards your senior or a group you belong to 0125 -- alleviate (v.) -- to reduce the intensity of sth bad || related word: alleviation (n.) 0126 -- allure (n.) -- attraction or fascination | related words: alluring (adj.), alluringly (adv.), allurement (n.) 0127 -- allusion (n.) -- indirect reference or remark || related word: allusive (adj.) 0128 -- alluvial (adj.) -- made of sand deposited by river or sea || related word: alluvium (n.) 0129 -- aloft (adv.) -- in the air; overhead 0130 -- also-ran (n.) -- unsuccessful person 0131 -- altercation (n.) -- a quarrel in a public place 0132 -- altruism (n.) -- selflessness || related word: altruistic (adv.) 0133 -- ambidextrous (adj.) -- able to use both the hands equally well 0134 -- ambience (n.) -- surroundings or atmosphere of a place || related word: ambient (adj.) 0135 -- ambivalence (n.) -- state of two minds, showing mixed feelings || related words: ambivalent (adj.), ambivalently (adv.) 0136 -- amble (v.) -- to walk slowly 0137 -- ambrosia (n.) -- delicious thing to eat 0138 -- ambulatory (adj.) -- connected with walking; mobile 0139 -- amenable (adj.) -- agreeable or controllable 0140 -- amicable (adj.) -- pleasant and friendly || related word: amicably (adv.) 0141 -- amiss (adj.) -- wrong 0142 -- amity (n.) -- peaceful and friendly relationship 0143 -- amnesia (n.) -- loss of memory || related word: amnesiac (n.) 0144 -- amorous (adj.) -- expressing feeling of love passionately || related word: amorously (adv.) 0145 -- amorphous (adj.) -- formless or shapeless 0146 -- amplify (v.) -- to increase sound ; to add more information to a story, etc. || related word: amplification (n.) 0147 -- anachronism (n.) -- old-fashioned person or thing || related word: anachronistic (adj.) 0148 -- analgesia (n.) -- inability to feel pain || related word: analgesic (adj./n.) 0149 -- analogy (n.) -- a comparison that shows similarities or correlation between two things 0150 -- anathema (n.) -- sth that you hate strongly 0151 -- anecdote (n.) -- a short and real story or event 0152 -- angst (n.) -- deep fear, tension or anxiety; nervousness 0153 -- anguish (n.) -- severe suffering || related word: anguished (adj.) 0154 -- animated (adj.) -- full of life; energetic || related word: animatedly (adv.) 0155 -- animism (n.) -- belief that natural objects possess soul || related words: animistic (adj.), animist (n.) 0156 -- animosity (n.) -- enmity 0157 -- animus (n.) -- hatred 0158 -- annals (n.) -- historical records; yearly record of events 0159 -- annex (v.) -- to forcefully take over another country || related word: annexation (n.) 0160 -- annihilate (v.) -- to defeat or destroy completely || related word: annihilation (n.) 0161 -- annotate (v.) -- to add notes to explain sth || related words: annotated (adj.), annotation (n.) 0162 -- annul (v.) -- to cancel sth officially || related word: annulment (n.) 0163 -- anodyne (adj.) -- inoffensive, harmless 0164 -- anoint (v.) -- to smear somebody with water or oil as part of a religious ceremony 0165 -- anomalous (adj.) -- abnormal, unusual or unexpected || related words: anomalously (adv.), anomaly (n.) 0166 -- anomie (n.) -- unsocial or immoral behaviour 0167 -- anorexia (n.) -- fear of being fat || related word: anorexic (adj./n.) 0168 -- antagonize (v.) -- to irritate or annoy sb | to make sb no longer friendly with you || related words: antagonistic (adj.), antagonistically (adv.), antagonist (n.), antagonism (n.) 0169 -- antecedent (adj./n.) -- previous | something that has been followed by something else 0170 -- antediluvian (adj.) -- primitive; outdated 0171 -- anthology (n.) -- compilation of stories, poems, etc. from different sources 0172 -- antipathy (n.) -- hostility || related word: antipathetic (adj.) 0173 -- antiquated (adj.) -- old-fashioned 0174 -- antiquity (n.) -- the ancient past; an object, a work of art, etc. from the ancient past 0175 -- antithesis (n.) -- exact opposite | contrast || related word: antithetical (adj.) 0176 -- apathy (n.) -- lack of interest || related words: apathetic (adj.), apathetically (adv.) 0177 -- aphorism (n.) -- a short phrase that expresses sth sensible || related word: aphoristic (adj.) 0178 -- aplomb (n.) -- self-confidence in a difficult situation 0179 -- apnea (apnoea) (n.) -- temporary loss of breath during sleep 0180 -- apocalypse (n.) -- complete or severe destruction || related word: apocalyptic (adj.) 0181 -- apocryphal (adj.) -- dubious; mythical 0182 -- apoplexy (n.) -- loss of the ability to feel 0183 -- apostate (n.) -- sb who has changed their religious beliefs || related word: apostasy (n.) 0184 -- apostle (n.) -- strong supporter or follower of an idea or a policy 0185 -- appalled (adj.) -- shocked, distressed || related words: appalling (adj.), appallingly (adv.) 0186 -- apparent (adj.) -- obvious; noticeable 0187 -- apparition (n.) -- spirit or ghost 0188 -- appease (v.) -- to calm down sb by accepting their demands || related word: appeasement (n.) 0189 -- append (v.) -- to add sth as an attachment || related word: appendage (n.) 0190 -- appetizing (adj.) -- mouth-watering 0191 -- applaud (v.) -- to clap in order to praise sb; to praise | related word: applause (n.) 0192 -- appliqué (n.) -- ornamental needlework || related word: appliquéd (adj.) 0193 -- apportion (v.) -- to divide and distribute || related word: apportionment (n.) 0194 -- apposite (adj.) -- suitable 0195 -- appraise (v.) -- to assess the quality of something; to evaluate | related words: appraisal (n.), appraiser (n.) 0196 -- appreciable (adj.) -- noticeable || related word: appreciably (adv.) 0197 -- appurtenance (n.) -- small part of sth; accessory 0198 -- apropos (prep.) -- concerning 0199 -- aquifer (n.) -- a layer of rock that can hold or transmit water. 0200 -- arable (adj.) -- related to growing crops 0201 -- arbiter (n.) -- a person who is authorized to settle a dispute 0202 -- arbitrary (adj.) -- illogical | uncontrolled || related words: arbitrarily (adv.), arbitrariness (n.) 0203 -- arbitrate (v.) -- to officially settle a dispute between two parties || related word: arbitration (n.) 0204 -- arboreal (adj.) -- connected with trees 0205 -- arcane (adj.) -- mysterious; puzzling 0206 -- archetype (n.) -- a typical example 0207 -- ardent (adj.) -- enthusiastic; excited || related word: ardently (adv.) 0208 -- ardor (ardour) (n.) -- passion 0209 -- arduous (adj.) -- difficult and tiring; laborious || related word: arduously (adv.) 0210 -- argot (n.) -- special words used by a particular profession; jargon 0211 -- arid (adj.) -- dry | ordinary || related word: aridity (n.) 0212 -- Armageddon (n.) -- an extremely terrible war 0213 -- armistice (n.) -- break in fighting; ceasefire 0214 -- arm-twisting (n.) -- persuasion by force 0215 -- arouse (v.) -- to cause particular emotion | to awaken someone from sleep || related word: arousal (n.) 0216 -- arraign (v.) -- to charge sb for a crime || related word: arraignment (n.) 0217 -- arrant (adj.) -- (of sth bad) absolute or complete 0218 -- arrogant (adj.) -- very proud || related word: arrogantly (adv.) 0219 -- artifact (artefact) (n.) -- historical object 0220 -- ascend (v.) -- to go/lead/move up; to rise 0221 -- ascendancy (n.) -- dominance or supremacy || related words: ascendant (n.), ascension (n.) 0222 -- ascetic (adj./n.) -- enormously self-disciplined | strict in self-discipline || related word: asceticism (n.) 0223 -- ascribe (v.) -- to state or believe that sth is caused or done by a particular thing/person or written by a particular person | to think sb/sth should have a particular quality || related words: ascribable (adj.), ascription (n.) 0224 -- ashen (adj.) -- light in colour, whiter than usual 0225 -- asinine (adj.) -- foolish 0226 -- askew (adj./adv.) -- not straight, bent 0227 -- aslant (adv.) -- at an angle; sloping 0228 -- asperity (n.) -- harshness of tone || related word: aspersions (n.) 0229 -- aspire (v.) -- to aim big 0230 -- assail (v.) -- to attack sb violently; to criticize sb strongly 0231 -- assault (n./v.) -- violent attack | to attack sb violently 0232 -- assent (n./v.) -- official agreement | to agree officially 0233 -- assertive (adj.) -- self-confident || related words: assertively (adv.), assertiveness (n.) 0234 -- assiduous (adj.) -- hard-working || related words: assiduously (adv.), assiduity (n.) 0235 -- assign (v.) -- to allocate 0236 -- assimilate (v.) -- to incorporate; to include || related word: assimilation (n.) 0237 -- assuage (v.) -- to lessen painful feeling 0238 -- astonish (v.) -- to extremely surprise sb 0239 -- astound (v.) -- to shock or surprise sb too much || related words: astounded (adj.), astounding (adj.), astoundingly (adv.) 0240 -- astride (adv./prep.) -- with a leg on each side of sth 0241 -- astringent (adj.) -- harsh; severe || related word: astringency (n.) 0242 -- astronomical (adj.) -- (of a price) excessive || related word: astronomically (adv.) 0243 -- astute (adj.) -- very clever; shrewd || related words: astutely (adv.), astuteness (n.) 0244 -- asunder (adv.) -- not together 0245 -- atavistic (adj.) -- connected with primitive humans 0246 -- ataxia (n.) -- loss of control of bodily movements || related word: ataxic (adj.) 0247 -- atone (v.) -- to express regret and make up for sth || related word: atonement (n.) 0248 -- atrocity (n.) -- terrible and violent act; evil || related words: atrocious (adj.), atrociously (adv.), atrociousness (n.) 0249 -- attenuate (v.) -- to make sth less forceful or effective || related words: attenuated (adj.), attenuation (n.) 0250 -- attire (n.) -- clothes || related word: attired (adj.) 0251 -- attuned (adj.) -- completely familiar with sth 0252 -- audacity (n.) -- boldness; rudeness || related words: audacious (adj.), audaciously (adv.) 0253 -- auditory (adj.) -- related to hearing 0254 -- augment (v.) -- to increase || related word: augmentation (n.) 0255 -- augur (v.) -- to foretell, foresee or predict || related word: augury (n.) 0256 -- aura (n.) -- noticeable quality of surrounding areas 0257 -- aural (adj.) -- related to hearing and listening || related word: aurally (adv.) 0258 -- austere (adj.) -- having strict attitude; having simple style; having uncomfortable way of life || related words: austerely (adv.), austerity (n.) 0259 -- autism (n.) -- loss of ability to form relationship or communicate with people || related word: autistic (adj.) 0260 -- autocrat (n.) -- a ruler with absolute power | || related word: autocratic (adj.), autocratically (adv.) autocracy (n.), 0261 -- avarice (n.) -- greed || related word: avaricious (adj.) 0262 -- avenue (n.) -- path; a way of making progress 0263 -- aver (v.) -- to firmly express a truth 0264 -- averse (adj.) -- not liking sth || related word: aversion (n.) 0265 -- avert (v.) -- to prevent or foil sth undesirable from happening 0266 -- avid (adj.) -- enthusiastic || related words: avidly (adv.), avidity (n.) 0267 -- avow (v.) -- to say sth openly; to affirm || related words: avowed (adj.), avowedly (adv.), avowal (n.) 0268 -- awash (adj.) -- flooded with water; containing large amount of something 0269 -- awe (n./v.) -- admiration and wonder | to respect || related word: awed (adj.) 0270 -- awe-inspiring (adj.) -- splendid 0271 -- awesome (adj.) -- amazing || related word: awesomely (adv.) 0272 -- awestruck (adj.) -- fascinated 0273 -- awful (adj./adv.) -- too bad; excessive | extremely || related word: awfulness (n.) 0274 -- awry (adj./adv.) -- wrong; untidy 0275 -- axiom (n.) -- a principle that is believed to be true || related word: axiomatic (adj.)

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